MISSION STATEMENT:  Making disciples for Jesus, one person at a time.


1.      Fellowship
2.      Authority of the Bible
3.      Worship
4.      Family
5.      Evangelism


---> 1000 changed lives willing to serve and work in 20 years.
--->  A place where people don’t have a past, but a present and future in Christ.
--->  A place where everyone is being discipled and/or discipling.
--->  A place where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to grow spiritually.
--->  People giving hope to the hurting people in our communities.
--->  We see spouses going on dates, and enriching their marriage, families sitting at the dinner 
        table discussing church and the Bible, parents equipped and empowered to be the spiritual 
        mentors of their kids.
--->  We see a place where everyone commits to investing in one non-Christian friend.
--->  We see future Christian leaders being prepared for full-time Christian service.

Section Title

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